Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Golden Globe Nominations and Predictions

And so here it is! The beginning of the awards season and the “who’s going to take home the big one” guessing game! The Golden Globe nominations were released at the early hour of 5am this morning in Los Angeles. The Golden Globe’s won’t be awarded until the 17th of January 2010, so that gives us a whole month to speculate who will take home the honours and who may be destined for Oscar glory on the 7th of March 2010. So here at Movie Critical we have the list of nominees for you and our tips for the winners.
Best Motion Picture- Drama
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds
Precious: Based On The Novel Push by Sapphire
Up In The Air

Movie Critical says: This year’s category is really strong. There are several movies that have been left out of the category, such as “Invictus”, “An Education” and “Bright Star”, which people have been predicting to be nominated. However, the Oscars will have 10 nominees in their Best Picture category this year rather than 5, so chances are they will be there. It’s hard to pick a winner from these 5 (especially since only two have been released here in Australia thus far). Both “Up In The Air” and “Precious: Based On The Novel Push by Sapphire” and getting some astonishing reviews in the states and may be the two fighting it out for the Golden Globe. “Avatar” is too receiving some amazing reviews, but is it too commercial to be the Golden Globe winner? “Up In The Air” is our pick.

Best Motion Picture- Musical or Comedy
(500) Days Of Summer
The Hangover
It’s Complicated
Julie & Julia

Movie Critical says: This is an interesting category this year. Before “Nine” was actually released in the states, it was the front runner from this category. However, it is not living up to its expectations. It still may be in contention though. As hilarious as “The Hangover” is, it probably will not get a look in here as it is not quite as well made as some of the others in this category. It’s a hard one to pick. “(500) Days Of Summer” is clever, witty and original and “Julie & Julia” has a stellar performance by the one and only Meryl Streep. Our pick, “Nine” may still be the winner for its combination of its musical score, cinematography and visuals.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture- Drama
Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart"
George Clooney in “Up In The Air”
Colin Firth in “A Single Man”
Morgan Freeman in “Invictus”
Tobey Maguire in “Brothers”

Movie Critical says: Again, quite a challenge for Movie Critical to predict a winner considering none of these films have been released in Australia as of yet. Judging by what American critics have been saying Colin Firth and George Clooney are the front runners for this award. From the looks of it, those two will definitely be the ones to beat. However, Clooney is our pick.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture- Drama
Emily Blunt in “The Young Victoria”
Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side”
Helen Mirren in “The Last Station"
Carey Mulligan in “An Education”
Gabourey “Gabby” Sidibe for "Precious: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire”

Movie Critical says: Again, another very strong category. This is Sandra Bullock’s first Golden Globe nomination despite her being in the spotlight now for over 15 years. “The Blind Side” is supposed to be the best role of her career thus far, but unfortunately the company she is in in this category is too strong for her to take home the award. The front runners, according to critics, are Carey Mulligan and Gabourey Sidibe here. Emily Blunt was divine in “The Young Victoria”, but not as strong as other performances in this category. Helen Mirren may be up there, but not much has been said about her performance in “The Last Station”. Movie Critical has reviewed Mulligan in “An Education” and she is definitely worthy of an honour for it. However, Sidibe is supposed to be amazing in “Precious”. From what we have seen, Mulligan is our pick, but from what we’ve heard Sidibe is our pick. Definately a hard category to pick.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture- Musical or Comedy
Matt Damon in “The Informant!”
Daniel Day-Lewis in “Nine”
Robert Downey Jr. in “Sherlock Holmes”
Joseph Gordon-Levitt in “(500) Days Of Summer”
Michael Stuhlerg in “A Serious Man”

Movie Critical says: Another interesting category. As much as Robert Downey Jr. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt are crowd favourites, they will most likely not get a sincere look in here. Matt Damon, Daniel Day-Lewis and Michael Stuhlberg are all strong contenders here. Our pick here, is Daniel Day-Lewis, though he is not a clear front runner. Damon and Stuhlberg are right behind him.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture- Musical or Comedy
Sandra Bullock in “The Proposal”
Marion Cotillard in “Nine”
Julia Roberts in “Duplicity”
Meryl Streep in “It’s Complicated”
Meryl Streep” in “Julie & Julia”

Movie Critical says: Our pick, clear and simple, Meryl Streep for “Julie & Julia”. She is the favourite for this category and it is going to be a controversy if she does not take home the Golden Globe. She gave a fine performance as Julia Child and should definitely be rewarded. It will be interesting to see Marion Cotillard in “Nine”, when it is eventually released here, as she is known for her amazing performances.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Matt Damon in “Invictus”
Woody Harrelson in “The Messenger”
Christopher Plummer in “The Last Station”
Stanley Tucci in “The Lovely Bones”
Christopher Waltz in “Inglorious Basterds”

Movie Critical says: Although Australia is yet to see all but one of these movies, we can make the pick of Christopher Waltz in “Inglorious Basterds”. He was superb in his role and the critics are still raving about him.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Penelope Cruz in “Nine”
Vera Farmiga in “Up In The Air”
Anna Kendrick in “Up In The Air”
Mo’nique in “Precious: Based On The Novel Push by Sapphire”
Julianne Moore in “A Single Man”

Movie Critical says: Another one of the interesting categories this year. There has been strong Awards whispers around Anna Kendrick for her performance in “Up In The Air” and she was the favourite until “Precious” hit cinemas in the states. Mo’nique is now the front runner for this category for her performance as the abusive mother, and she is said to be extremely hard to beat. So Mo’nique is our pick, but we would love to see Kendrick get up there to be rid of her “Twilight” tag.

Best Director- Motion Picture
Kathryn Bigelow- “The Hurt Locker”
James Cameron- “Avatar”
Clint Eastwood- “Invictus”
Jason Reitman- “Up In The Air”
Quentin Tarantino- “Inglorious Basterds”

Movie Critical says: What a category. This category will be watched with great interest. Very rarely will a director win when their film is not nominated for best picture, so with this fact in mind, one would think that Kathryn Bigelow and Clint Eastwood are out of the running here. Although “Invictus” is nominated in other categories, so that may still put him in the race. James Cameron could win for his masterpiece “Avatar”, but we think that it will be a competition mainly between Jason Reitman and Quentin Tarantino. Our tip here is Tarantino.

So there are our tips for the upcoming Golden Globes! Unfortunately it’s not the easiest trying to decide who will win when all the films haven’t been released yet, but from reading articles and reviews on each of the movies, these are what seem to be the whispers as of late. Our tips for the Oscars will be a bit more informed as all the films would have been out in Australia by then. In the meantime, enjoy Awards season and please comment if you have anything to add!

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